Grading Policy
Spanish Dept Grading Policy 2020-2021
Grade Minimums:
Students enrolled in classes in the Spanish Department at WOHS(Spanish I, Spanish I Honors, Spanish II, Spanish II Honors only) will have a minimum of 10 daily grades and 2-3 assessments during each nine week grading period. Under the heading of assessments, each teacher may have any combination of tests and/or projects that the teacher deems necessary to document mastery of content and student growth.
Grading Schedule:
Each teacher in the Spanish Department at WOHS will follow the grading schedule listed below:
- Daily Assignments: graded and entered into Skyward within 5 days of the due date
- Tests/Projects: graded and entered into Skyward no later than 7 days after due date
(Students who turn in work after an absence or who turn in late work may have a delay of 2 additional days)
Late Work:
Teachers in the Spanish Department will follow the campus Late Work Policy. The policy states:
- Late work received one day after the due date will receive a grade no higher than 70.
- Late work received two days after the due date will receive a grade no higher than 50.
- Late work received 3 days or more after due date will receive no credit.
Retesting Policy:
Students may have the opportunity to improve a test grade if the original score was 79 or below. This does not apply to a project or nine weeks test. Students will only be able to have this option 1 time each nine weeks. Please read through the requirements to improve the test grade:
- The student must conference with the teacher and declare intent to do remedial work to improve the grade.
- The student must schedule and attend at least one tutorial session.
- The student must complete two remedial assignments that demonstrate mastery at 90%.
- The tutorial session must be within 5 days of the original test, and the remedial assignments must be turned in within that same time frame.
Extra Credit:
Please do NOT ask for extra credit. I do NOT give extra credit to improve and assignment or quiz grade. I do NOT give extra credit to improve a nine weeks report card grade. If you need extra credit, you should NOT be in this class. Plan your study time in advance and spend your time outside of class wisely. Ask for help early in the nine weeks if you begin to struggle. Please remember: this is an honors course. You will be expected to study outside of class.
Absences from Class:
Absences from class should be kept to a minimum. All absences are not equal in a world language classroom. At times, students are receiving instruction that world language teachers call input. This means the student is learning new content or practicing skills that build on each other. If your child misses an input day, there is really no way to make this up. However, sometimes an absence cannot be avoided. Make up work will be handled as follows:
- Absence for illness and extra-curricular activities will be considered equivalent
- One day absent(for any reason) will have one day to make up the work
- Absence for two day will have 2 days to make up the work
- Absences of three days or more will require a teacher/student conference to schedule make up work due dates
Students missing for extra-curricular activities are required to pick their work up in advance of missing class. It is NOT my responsibility to find you to hand out work. It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to come to my room and pick up work that will be missed. There are times that work may not be ready prior to a student leaving for an activity. In this situation, you and I will make arrangements to make certain you stay caught up.
Students missing for any reason, including an extra-curricular activity should always check Google Classroom to see what is missed. Students should strive to complete online assignments BEFORE returning to class. Students attend school as learners first, extra-curricular activities are just that–extra. Classwork and preparing for class should always be a priority.