Our REMIND class is available to students for reminders, links to extra practice, as a forum to ask general questions, and as an extra tool for tutorials. I will encourage students to enroll in the class so they can receive reminders about quizzes, tests, projects, resources, and makeup work. The REMIND class is for communication with your child about academics. This is not a social media hangout. I do not have parent conferences or student conferences via REMIND. Please understand that I cannot force your child to enroll in my REMIND class. It is your child’s responsibility to enroll. During our remote learning time in the spring, I found out very quickly that several students had not enrolled, or they have turned their REMIND notifications off. It is not my responsibility to repeatedly ask your child to take care of this. It is the student’s responsibility to use REMIND to their advantage.
Always encourage your child to look for makeup work and extra resources on Google Classroom. The extra practice and warm-up activities are great resources for test prep.